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Public Speaking – The Secrets of a Successful Leader

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When it comes to public speaking, most of the time speakers get nervous and start mumbling. This is the problem of most of the people, they are very good in writing and explaining in general terms but when it comes to speaking in front of a large audience, they get confused.

A leader should also be a good speaker. They must be technically sound in everything they speak especially if they are CEO’s and executives. It’s not always what you say but how you say it. The tone of voice should be compelling and convincing. There are few traits that a leader should have to become a successful speaker.

Image1. Big Idea
Everything starts with a subject similarly every speech starts with an idea. Leaders are the ones who talk about big ideas. A idea that everyone remembers and wants to hear no matter how short your speech is, but it should be attractive have a creative and inspiring idea in it.

2. Simple
There is a one big problem in many speeches and it’s that they are too complicated. In order to make it attractive usually people make it difficult for listeners to understand. The speech should be simple and understandable. It’s said that brilliant professors are the ones who could actually communicate the ideas in ways people could understand. Communication is everything. A speech of an executive and CEO has to be in a way that it takes people from A to B to C.

3. Realistic
To connect with your audience, you must be real. Try not to be too much judgmental. Don’t make unrealistic goals; think about all the aspects before setting up goals. Furthermore, don’t be too fake, try to be the real you so that the listeners would be comfortable in interacting with you. Good leaders find ways to humanize themselves and still maintain their authority.


This can be concluded that in order to be a successful leader, speaking should be given focused as well. Good leaders are the one who know how to speak, convey their message and convince people. Anybody can prepare a speech or outsource it from a great writer like most students do in their academic lives, they buy term papers clear out their course but a good leader is the one who not only have edge in writing but also should know how to prove his statements and make people listen to him.

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